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Frequently Asked Questions

When should my child have his first dental visit?

You should bring your child in for examination around his or her first birthday. Your dentist will discuss the importance of regular cleaning of your infant’s teeth, the use of fluoride treatment, and why you should not put your child to bed with a bottle.

Why should my children see the dentist every 6 months instead of once a year?

Just like their fast-growing bodies, children’s teeth are also growing and changing at a much faster rate than adults’.  Going for a dental visit once every 6 months means that your child’s dentist can keep track of his or her dental development and treat any problem early.

How can I get my child to brush?

The best way is to have them start their own daily brushing routine once they wake up and before they go to bed.

A couple of hints:

  • Let them see you brush and floss regularly.
  • Let your children pick their own brush & toothpaste flavor.
  • Read them some books about tooth brushing.
  • Remember to praise your children along the way (“Your teeth are so nice and sparkly, you must brush them very well”) – positive reinforcement goes a long way!

Are baby teeth important?

Yes! Baby or primary teeth help children learn to speak clearly and chew naturally. They also help form a path that permanent teeth can follow, so it’s important to keep good care of these teeth.

Is thumb sucking bad?

In children under the age of 4, when their teeth are still straight and not crowded, thumb sucking does not pose a large problem.

However, it is important to stop this thumb sucking habit before children’s permanent teeth appear as their new teeth and the contour of their jaw bones may be adversely affected.

Are pacifiers safer?

Actually no – pacifiers are often made from tough rubber and can cause worse tooth alignment problems than thumb sucking

What should I do if my child has a toothache?

See a dentist as soon as possible. In the meantime, you can rinse the affected area with warm salt water and then press a cold compress on your child’s face if it’s swollen. You can also give your child a painkiller for children.